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Gimnazjum nr 1 in Lubicz is a public school from rural area and have students from nearby villages with socio-economic problems. 343 students  at the age of 12 - 16 attend the classes. There are also specific needs for students and their parents. Where students’ parents are unemployed so they are at risk of social exclusion. Some of students and their parents have never seen  another city except their own before. They live in a very small world. Therefore , they need special care and a different style of education. In the school there are students with special needs: with mental, hearing, visual, behavioural problems as well as the handicapped.  We also have problems with students whose parents work abroad and they are brought up by their grandparents or other relatives. They also need help. Lack of knowledge about European countries and dificultes with choising the upper secondary school make students, teachers and parents  eager to take part in this Erasmus plus project and its activities as a coordinating school.  In 2005 our school got a Certificate of quality. The very important points of the school strategi is learning foreign languages, using new technologies in classroom teaching, quality of learning and teaching, students developement in all school subjects and basic entrepreneurship education and they are relevant to thIs Erasmus + project.  Related to these, our school provides formal and non- formal education through extra curriculum activities. Our students take part in reginal subject competitions organized by school regional authorities and some of them are finalists. Our school choir has won two international festivals so far and our teachers train themself continously taking part in local and international courses. Our school handball teams are in the first 8 teams in Poland. We also provide extra activities about  entrepreneurship. Students take part in several projects organized by Polish, regional and local organization in art, music, ecology, health and etc.    Our 55 teachers are well qualified and work with students to help them gaining as much knowledge as possible. Teachers motivate students to learn and improve their skills an abilities.

Szkoła Podstawowa im. Tadeusza Kosciuszki w Lubiczu Górnym

This project was approved and funded with the support of the European Commission. This website reflects only the views of the author/s and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information, contained therein. 

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